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NDA meeting

Nomad Dance Academy meeting (20-25.08.2016)

The members of the Nomad Dance Academy Decision Making Board had a meeting with the goal to inform each other on the development of the programs and structures related to NDA and decide together on further steps of the platform - on the strategic, programming and financial levels. The meeting was financed with the support of Kooperativa regional platform for culture Present members were: Willy Prager, Stephan A. Shtereff, Iva Sveshtarova, Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski, Violeta Kachakova, Marijana Cvetković, Igor Koruga, Celine Larrere, Gisela Mueller, Iva Nerina Sibila, Dejan Srhoj, Gregor Kamnikar, Dragana Alfirević and Frosina Dimovska (guest). Schedule: 20th arrivals/ meeting of participants 21st -22nd August: presentation of the past activities in the last three years of NDA programs 23rd August: present situations/ local scenes, partner organizations and potentials 24th August: future activities and plans for collaboration 25th departure Nomad Dance Academy meeting consisted of presentations, workshops (body work, co-teaching) and working sessions.

Conclusions/ short report > 1. To address the education – possibilities and wishes to continue with the NDA Education Programme that would be developed with different partner organizations and will include practice and theory including the Critical practice_ Made in Yu 2. To continue with the activities of Advocacy: develop small-scale actions together with the local scene partners in the region (ex-Yugoslavia and Bulgaria). The present situations vary in different contexts; we need to continue with the actions that would provide larger impact and visibility and better position of contemporary performing arts as a vital element of the societies in crisis. Advocating concerns priorities such as: working conditions, labor rights, bilateral and multilateral collaborations, finances, possibilities of residencies. 3. Nomad Dance Academy to continue with the programs of co-productions/residencies/ Nomad Dance Institute/ writing platforms (Dance works/co-productions, Dance Fiction, Performance Situation Room /NDI, Wild Cards/residencies) since they have been evaluated as beneficiary for the scene(s) development, and they contributed to development of the specific dance scene(s) needs. DMB and Institute program meeting contributed to the further development of the network and its programs which have positive effects on different local scenes in the Region. The activities such as Advocacy and Archive have great impact and foster the better working conditions and connections among different players in the region. Nomad Dance Academy network will continue with the program lines, and the horizontal structure of decision making and implementing the programs. Body that will connect all programs and financial capacities is Coordination Office, which has a mandate by the Decision Making Board to overlook and coordinate various activities, finances, and bring operational decisions. Other than this for different tasks and programs there will be task groups that will be responsible for the implementation and development. Principles of working (balance, invitation and open space) have been also confirmed as bases for the network cooperation.

Present activities of NDA are>

Nomad Dance Institute (realized in frame of Performance Situation Room program of Life Long Burning) – Archive, Co-teaching, Situations, Advocacy and B-Mapping/ more about past and present activities in frame of the Nomad Dance Institute on> Advocacy, CoTeaching and Archive projects have shown a tendency for a more focused development in the years to come, involving more regional partners and more resources. Critical Practice_Made in Yu (realized in frame of LLB project)/ more about activities of the program Dance Works (co-productions), Dance Hubs/Wild Cards (residencies), Dance Fiction (publication and documentation of contemporary dance) in frame of LLB/ More about these activities on

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